11 Gift Ideas for Introverts

  • Mar 03, 2020
11 Gift Ideas for Introverts

Gift Ideas for Introverts

The introverts are people of a special breed. Closed and silent, they are not prone to a vivid expression of emotions. They’re hard to get through with a funny gift of or just a cute package. As a result, it is not only hard to choose a gift for an introvert but also the gifting process itself can become accompanied by a feeling of embarrassment or feel uncomfortable.

How to Present a Gift to an Introvert

First of all, stop feeling insecure. Get thoughts like “I need to prepare proper congratulation words” or “it seems that he didn’t like it”. Just a nod from an introvert can mean an expression of sincere gratitude and joy. The best option - to give a gift quickly and without unnecessary words, so as not to put anyone in an uncomfortable position.

When choosing a gift, you should, of course, be guided by the character of your introvert friend. Here are some ideas that will most likely be pleasant for an introvert

11 Gift Ideas for Introverts

A good book


A leisurely evening of good reading is one of the best moments in the life of any introvert. A person who loves to spend time in silence, peace and solitude will appreciate this gift.



Incense is an element that will create an atmosphere for relaxation and meditation in which many of the introverts draw their energy and inspiration.

Travel Mug


Travel or Thermo Mug is a gift for lovers of secluded walks in the park. You can also assemble a set by adding a herbal tea set and a scarf.

Good Headphones


Good music is an essential part of contemplation. Headphones better convey the halftone sound of complex works and give an extraordinary richness of composition.

Mask for Sleep and Earplugs


Mask for sleep and earplugs - the opposite of the previous one. By the way, it is a perfect gift for an introvert who has to travel. It will help them do what they are known to during travel - pretend to be asleep to avoid unnecessary communication.



Sunglasses are a kind of veil and protection against unwanted looks. Ancient thinkers believed that eyes are a reflection of the soul, and introverts do not tend to want to open their souls in particular.

External Battery


An external battery. Introverts often prefer chatting when it comes to communicating with people. And electronic gadgets are their primary tool for learning the news and making contacts. An external battery fits easily in your pocket and helps ensure stable operation of mobile devices.

Movie Voucher


for her favourite movie theatre. Instead of gifting two tickets for you and your friend, try buying a voucher. That would allow her to choose when and with whom (and don’t be hurt, cause most likely she’ll decide to go alone) she wants to enjoy the movie.

Hand-made Gift


This option is recommended only for dear friends. Introverted people are fully open only to their loved ones and only from them are ready to accept such personal gifts. Personalised greeting card, video greeting, photo collage - are gifts, dear to the heart of the introvert.

Blanket with Sleeves


That comfy thing, which does not need to be shared with anybody, and which no one will pull to themselves. Even if the introvert has a beloved and loving family, he needs some isolation. A blanket with sleeves will help to create his personal space.

Wool Sweater


A wool sweater - a garment that will allow you to completely hide from the world in the warmth of wool. Such a thing is the perfect gift for any introvert.

Final Words

You should not limit yourself to the list given when searching for a gift. This is just a short cheat sheet that will help you orient yourself and choose a pleasant surprise for your dear friend.

The main rule is to look for things that can help in creating a personal space and bring comfort to it. Try to follow this condition, and choosing a gift to introvert will not cause any problems.